Erc721 Transfer Event

ERC721 (NFT) transfer event data example and explaination

When an ERC721 NFT event occurs, Crypitor sends a JSON payload to your webhook endpoint. Below is an example of such a payload and an explanation of its structure:

Example Payload:

  "chain": "POLYGON",
  "monitorId": "mo_I23ghOScgZ9xLXhV",
  "hash": "0x44ca44cca1975d6918518bd4d2d484f50c7d45e7ed4c37a9695417033bb48ac4",
  "blockNum": 56955885,
  "contract": {
    "address": "0x8751de7f7dbb9708873a4cfbad5121fc3aad7856",
    "name": null,
    "symbol": null
  "fromAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "toAddress": "0x49f43316370482ef3aa117c168845519ad4c5e84",
  "tokenId": "281",
  "rawLog": {
    "topics": [
    "data": "0x"
  "type": "in",
  "confirm": false,
  "category": "ERC721",
  "dateCreated": "2024-05-14T10:41:02.424Z",
  "logIndex": 302,
  "txnIndex": 63,
  "associatedAddress": "0x49f43316370482ef3aa117c168845519ad4c5e84",
  "eventId": "5169d4e4ee9467f861a160f38da17805",
  "tags": [

Data Explanation

  • chain: The blockchain network where the event occurred (e.g., POLYGON).

  • monitorId: Unique identifier for the monitor that captured the event.

  • hash: Transaction hash associated with the event.

  • blockNum: Block number in which the transaction was included.

  • contract: Contains details about the NFT contract.

    • address: NFT contract address.

    • name: NFT contract name (null if not available).

    • symbol: NFT contract symbol (null if not available).

  • fromAddress: Address from which the NFT was transferred. A zero address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) typically indicates a minting event.

  • toAddress: Address to which the NFT was transferred.

  • tokenId: Unique identifier for the NFT within the contract.

  • rawLog: Raw log data from the blockchain.

    • topics: Array of indexed log topics.

    • data: Hex-encoded log data (empty in this example).

  • type: Transaction type (e.g., "in" for incoming).

  • confirm: Boolean indicating whether the transaction is confirmed.

  • category: Type of transfer (e.g., ERC721 for NFT transfers).

  • dateCreated: Timestamp of when the event was detected.

  • logIndex: Position of the log in the block.

  • txnIndex: Position of the transaction in the block.

  • associatedAddress: Wallet address associated with the event.

  • eventId: Unique identifier for the event.

  • tags: Tags associated with the monitor.

Last updated

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